Welcome to the home page of the
Laboratory of Complex Fluids Research (LCFR).
Our primary interest is complex fluid dynamics research to solve problems of industrial relevance,
by adopting analytical, experimental and computational techniques, together providing
a deeper understanding. Areas in which we will look for new research challenges include
but are not limited to multiphase flows, non-Newtonian flows, suspension flows, polymer flows,
micro, nano and bio-fluidics, and interdisciplinary fluid dynamics applications.
In this website, we briefly explain our current research programme.
We are always very interested to hear of new applications for complex fluids, whether of industrial, biological, geophysical or other origin.
We always look for new, active research members at undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral levels. Candidates are asked to provide the followings via email (in a single PDF file):
(i) a detailed curriculum vitae (CV) that includes a publications list,
(ii) previous degree transcripts,
(iii) a statement of research interests in relation to our group, and
(iv) up to three publications.
Funding sponsors:





Strategic research clusters :
Industrial partners :