UPDATED: 08/12/98


An Overview of the Influence of Microbes on the Earth's Environment and Inhabitants.

The many and varied metabolic activities of microbes assure that they participate in chemical reactions in almost every environment on earth. As discussed #previously, microbes require an energy producing system (including an electron acceptor) to sustain life and nutrients, including liquid water, in order to grow and reproduce. Since microbes have been present on earth longer than other organisms, they have evolved the ability to thrive in almost any environment that meets these minimal criteria. Energy comes from one of two sources, light (photosynthesis) or the #oxidation of reduced molecules. Oxidizable molecules may be organic (e.g. sugar, protein or any of the other foods we humans relish) or a variety of inorganic molecules such as sulfur, iron, hydrogen, carbon monoxide, or ammonia or even a combination of organic/inorganic molecules. Microbes exist that prosper inside of eukaryotic cells, at temperatures of >100oC, in the presence of toxic metals like copper or mercury, at pH's ~2.0 and ~11.0, down to 3.5 km below the earth's surface and in saturated salt solutions at 0oC. Microbes have broadened the environments they can live in by evolving enzymes that allow them to utilize sunlight for energy as well as a diversity of electron donor/acceptors pairs so they can perform energy-yielding oxidative reactions on available energy sources. That this evolution is ongoing is shown by the isolation of microbes that can metabolize numerous man-made chemicals (ones not found in nature). The range of electron acceptors includes gaseous oxygen (like us), sulfate, nitrate, nitrite, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, iron and magnesium. Indeed, evolutionary principles predict that microbes should have evolved to utilize any niche meeting the minimal physical and chemical requirements. Recently, bacteria that live ~3.5 km below the earth's surface in rocks at high temperatures have been discovered. Since these conditions cover the entire earth, even that portion under the oceans, these bacterial forms may make up the largest single mass of life on (or in) earth.

Below is an abbreviated list of the roles microbes play in our lives:

The Role of Microbes on the Earth

Outside of major planetary occurrences such as earthquakes, volcanoes and continental drift, there are very few events on earth that are not affected in some way by microorganisms. For example, marine algae that routinely cover huge patches of ocean absorb, and convert into heat, sunlight, which would otherwise be reflected back into space. This absorbed heat raises the oceans' temperature. Since oceans are the "the earth's weather engine", microbes thus affect the weather. Most (some might say all) multicellular forms of life live in intimate association with a host of microbes and in some cases the multicellular forms could not exist without their microbe associates. More to the point, there is probably no human endeavor in which microbes fail to play a role in at some level. Because of hubris humans tend to consider microbial activities only in terms of their primary affect on themselves (e.g. diseases) and their commercial enterprises (e.g. wine production). However, it is quite clear that without microbes life on earth could not exist. Not only were bacteria the #first life on earth, and the progenitors of all subsequent forms of life, but in many ways they remain the predominate life form on the planet, both in terms of the degree to which they affect earthly things, and perhaps even in terms of total protoplasmic mass; given their small size this means there are humongous numbers of them out there. In this chapter, you will learn just a bit of the extent of the role of microbes in your life.

101microenvironments21.gif (9648 bytes)When considering the impact of bacteria and other microbes on the earth it is important to grasp the concept of "MICROENVIRONMENTS" or "MICROHABITATS".  Microenvironments are small spaces or locations within the Earth's ecosystem where some environmental factors differs from another that is nearby. This cartoon illustrates a microenvironment situation in the soil. For example, within a square cm of normal soil 100s or even 1000s of different environments (microhabitats) may exist separated by only a mm or less. One part of the soil may contain a tiny fragment of organic matter (a cellulose chunk) that is only utilized (eaten) by a few species of microbes (those that produce cellulase). Thus mostly cellulase-producing microbes would be found there and they would, in turn, produce waste products that would change the pH in a sphere ~0.1 mm around the cellulose chunk. Whereas 1 mm away is a different nutrient source with its unique microbes affecting the immediate environment around it (e.g. by producing an antibiotic that inhibits likely competitors). Essentially the entire world is composed of microenvironments. In fact microenvironments are so prevalent that they are assumed to be far more common than macroenvironments (like beer fermentation tanks). Even the water in a lake or the ocean is composed of distinct microenvironments depending on environmental factors like light, nutrients, temperature etc.  Our mouths contain a host of microhabitats that determine it health and halitosis.

A Review of Symbiosis; A Universal Principal of Life

This section is a review of material that was previously covered in #Chapter 13. Symbiosis is defined in the dictionary as the relationship between two (or more) organisms that live in a close association that may but is not necessarily of benefit to each. This dictionary definition is a bit misleading. In the vast majority of symbioses one or both partners gain something positive from the association. A pair of symbionts may be able to live separately, but they almost always do better in the long run by living together. Symbioses are more the norm in nature than the exception. Since all life forms affect their environment, that is, they are an important component of "the environment", all the organisms in a given environment have evolved to adapt to the affects induced by the prior inhabitants. It is thus reasonable to make the case that all life is symbiotic in the sense that as new species evolved, they always did so in the presence of previous life forms, thus insuring that their evolution was guided (influenced) so as to allow them to survive in the presence of established life forms. Often evolution makes stark choices which result in the eventual extermination of a previous species by a new one, but more often a form of mutual accommodation occurs whereby mutations in each of any associated species are naturally selected that allow most of the species in an environment to survive.
Termites, Human Population Growth and Global Warming.
Termites are one of the most abundant animals on earth. They inhabit 2/3 of the lands surface, mostly in the tropical regions. They lives on cellulose, which is why they eat homes. However, termites do not produce cellulases, the enzymes that breaks down cellulose. These enzymes are produced by protozoa in the termite gut that take in the ingested cellulose chips, digest them and produce acetate and other products that the termites can use for energy and carbon. The termite gut also contains a host of bacteria that use the protozoan products which are converted to methane. The methane contributes to global warming. Termites thrive in the deforested areas produced by man as he moves into the forests.

One common accommodation is for two species to work together for the mutual benefit of each. Such cases are known as MUTUALISTIC symbioses. In another common symbiotic relationship one of the associates benefits from the association while the other either gains nothing, is harmed or even killed. This form of symbiosis is called PARASITIC. The partner that benefits is called the PATHOGEN or PARASITE, while the other member is called the HOST. Symbioses can be simple, involving only two components or extremely complex, involving many participants interacting in very intricate and complex ways. The degree of interdependence can vary from organisms that will easily grow in the absence of other members of a symbiotic relationship, to situations where none of the organisms involved can live normal lives without the other symbionts. The latter case is complicated by situations where symbionts can be grown independently in the laboratory, but are not found in natural environments living apart.

Symbioses are so common that some scientists argue that all living organisms on earth exists in some symbiosis with another. Take for example, that most common gut bacterium E. coli that inhabits the intestine of many animals, including ourselves. We know that it is quite capable of living independently outside of the gut because we use it as an indicator of #fecal pollution in our drinking #water and #food. However, its natural habitat or "home" is assumed to be the intestine of many animals. Another way of considering this is that evolution has equipped E. coli for surviving best in a gut, all other environments being secondary. Indeed the dictates of #natural selection require that every organism be adapted to best fit one particular environmental niche. As a prideful fellow human you may take umbrage at that statement, citing the many environments humans (and coyotes, rats and a few other species) survive well in. However, in the case of humans, we basically cheat as we simply "take our preferred environment" with us wherever we go; consider the astronaut and the aquanaut. Basically, the other examples given also do the same thing in their own engaging way.

Microbes and Nutrient Cycles

Kitchen and Yard Wastes: A Classical Example of Nutrient Cycling
Most of you know some one who gardens and most gardeners keep a COMPOST HEAP fermenting in their back yard. They throw kitchen and yard wastes onto this pile, toss in a little dirt and may even add some human urine. They water the heap frequently to keep it moist and occasionally turn it over. Compost heaps illustrate nutrient cycles. Macromolecular organic matter (e.g. grass, leaves, peelings) is inoculated with some soil to provide the required microbes, water is added and maybe some extra fertilizer to stimulate the microbial growth. Turning the compost allows oxygen to reach the microbes which speeds up their digestion of the organic matter. In a few weeks, many of the high molecular weight organic polymers are broken down into smaller units and an excellent soil conditioner/fertilizer is formed which does wonderful things for a garden's productivity.

The activity of microorganisms on the earth is often rather grandly referred to as their "GEOCHEMICAL" activities. All this means is that they do their chemistry on a grand scale and perform a large variety of fascinating chemical processes that amuse, awe and enrich us in many cases. However, they are, quite simply, going about their daily lives, just as we do. That is, we eat, digest, engage in various activities to pass the time, and defecate, all of which affects the environment around us, yet few of us think of ourselves as being "geochemical agents" (have you visited a strip mine lately?). All life transforms chemicals through their biochemical activities. For example, photosynthetic organisms convert carbon dioxide, water and light to organic matter, but somewhere down the line that chemistry is reversed and the polymers made in the synthetic process are converted back into the original chemicals (CO2 and H2O) from whence they came. This is where the concept CYCLE comes in (or as it is so poetically stated in the Bible: "dust to dust").

All the nutrients of life endlessly turnover in a cyclic way and each nutrient has a cycle involving a group of microorganisms that are responsible for carrying out this process. A given cycle is often viewed as starting with basic elements being converted into larger, complex organic polymers as discussed in #Chap. 6. Once the cells containing these polymers die, degradation, or MINERALIZATION as the process is often called, occurs and the polymers are converted to the basic chemical precursors of new life. A simplistic way to think of the process is life to dead organic matter to fertilizer to new life forever.

The Cycles of Matter

""Every time you drink a glass of water, you are probably imbibing at least one atom that passed through the bladder of Aristotle" Lewis Wolpert

All living organisms carry out #catabolism which results in degradation and all living organism carry out #anabolic processes which expend energy to construct macromolecules or to move etc. Most of the dead cow you ate in your last hamburger was catabolized and its mineralized component parts expelled from your body through your lungs, urine or feces. To make it easier to understand I will illustrate several cycles of nutrient elements.

The Carbon Cycle: This is an easy one. Carbon dioxide + water + energy + plant/microbes = organic molecules in live organisms = organic molecules in dead organisms + oxygen + microbes = energy + carbon dioxide + water; "round 'n round she goes, where she stops nobody knows". However, some carbon stays around for a really long time in the form of coal, methane, oil and CaCO3 deposits.

One important component of the carbon cycle is methane (CH4) production and metabolism (#oxidation). Methane is a major byproduct of many anaerobic biochemical processes, including those that occur in our very own intestines. Methane is much more effective than carbon dioxide in absorbing and radiating energy (HEAT) back to the earth; i.e., methane is a major greenhouse gas. Methane-producing microbes produce about 400 million metric tons of methane each year, but only under anaerobic conditions (inside rumens, insects, wetlands, rice paddies, sewage digesters, landfills, biogas generators (Sci.278:1413[1997]). The increase in the greenhouse gas methane that is attributed to man is ~1%/year. Conversely, methane is an important carbon and energy source for those microbes that are able to metabolize (oxidize) it into carbon dioxide and water. That is, methane is a major component of the carbon-cycle.

The Nitrogen Cycle: Although nitrogen gas (N2) constitutes 80% of the earth's atmosphere, N2 can not be used by most forms of life. However, nitrogen is a major component of protein and nucleic acids and so is a major #required nutrient. The majority of organisms can only use nitrogen if it is in the form of ammonia, nitrates or nitrites. But these are scarce chemicals in nature and nitrogen deficiencies often limit crop yields. Fortunately, there are a number of microbes that are able to convert the N2 in the air to ammonium nitrogen. These organisms, (and this will surprise you) are called NITROGEN-FIXING bacteria. The only other natural source of usable nitrogen for plants is from lightening.

The nitrogen cycle starts with N2-fixing bacteria. The nitrogen-fixing bacteria are able to take N2 gas + a lot of energy + a lot of electrons and convert it to ammonia (NH3) which they use to make the many nitrogen-containing organic molecules they required to grow and make offspring. When they, and any other living organism die, much of their organic-bound nitrogen is released by microbes decomposing the dead as ammonia (some of it, however is used directly by the degrading organisms); which you can smell when you turn over a compost pile. The ammonia is oxidized to nitrite (NO2) by a group of specialized microorganisms to extract the energy trapped in it. Another group of bacteria subsequently oxidize the nitrite to nitrate (NO3) and squeeze out some more energy. Ammonia, nitrite and nitrate can be assimilated by plants and a lot of microbes and converted into nitrogen-containing organic molecules.

The final chapter to the nitrogen cycle occurs under anaerobic conditions where still another group of bacteria use nitrite/nitrate as electron acceptors (substituting for oxygen) and in the process reduce the nitrogen back into the atmosphere as N2 gas, thus completing the cycle. In summary nitrogen is continuously cycled from N2 gas into living organisms and back into N2 gas.

FAQ: "So, why should we worry about the N-cycle, why should it interest a non-scientist?"

Answer: Because it effects the price of everything you eat that's why. Since the growth of plants is limited by the small quantity of natural nitrogen in the soil farmers must add nitrogen to the soil in huge quantities at an equivalent huge expense (which they pass on to you when you buy a hamburger etc.) in order to maximize the yield of their crops. Nitrogen fertilizer (mostly ammonia) is expensive to make and gobbles up oodles of fuel (gas/oil etc.) which is included in your pizza and beer bill. Yet lots of microbes turn N2 into ammonia more or less for free so if we could find some way to tap into that system…..well, it would make the California gold rush look like winning a two-dollar lottery. As you will see in the next section, we are able to use N-fixing microbes to some extent to our benefit.

Other Nutrient Cycles: There are two other cycles that are often presented in this section. They are the sulfur and phosphorous cycles. However, I think you are all clever enough to realize by now that all you do is substitute the terms "sulfur" or "phosphorous" for "carbon" or "nitrogen" in the two examples given above and you'll get the general picture. Real microbiologists have to learn all the names of the various unique bacteria that perform the chemical steps, as well as the chemical formulas of each step.

Select Examples of Symbioses

Of the thousands of examples of symbioses known only two will be presented here: Ruminant symbiosis and Nitrogen fixation symbiosis. Both of these systems are easy for anyone to relate to as they affect our lives everyday in numerous ways. Both of these systems are complex and not fully understood, but they are of vital importance to human survival and are the basis of the luxuriant food supply most of us are blessed with in this country.


A significant population of the world depends on herbivorous mammals for a significant portion of their food supply in the form of meat, blood and/or milk. Common ruminants include cattle, sheep, goats, elk, deer, camels and giraffes. A herbivore eats grasses as a source of nutrition. However, the major source of carbon and energy in grasses is the #polysaccharide cellulose and no mammal can produce the enzymes (cellulases) that breakdown cellulose to its component sugars. To solve this problem ruminants live in an obligate symbiotic relationship with a complex population of microbes that produce the cellulases which convert the cellulose polymer to sugar monomers and other short chain oligosaccharides. The microbes then ferment these sugars producing byproducts that can, in turn, be metabolized by the ruminant host.

In what can be considered a classical case of coevolution, the ruminants have evolved a digestive tract that is an optimum environment for the rumen microbes, while the microbes have simultaneously evolved so as to live optimally in the environment found in the ruminant digestive system. Neither the rumen microbes or the ruminants are able to exist naturally without the other; that is they are CODEPENDENT upon each for life. An example illustrating this is the problem that forest game managers encountered when they first attempted to transfer ruminants, like deer and elk, from one forest to another. In many of these early relocation attempts the transferred animals died from starvation even though ample grass was available at the new site. The puzzle was compounded because the area usually already contained the same species as the transported ruminants that were living without problems on the same diet. It turned out that the grasses in the two areas differed in composition enough so that the rumen microbes in the transported animals were so well adapted to the grasses in the animals' original location that they were unable to digest the grasses in the new place efficiently. The answer was to slowly introduce those animals to be moved, to grasses brought from the new area over a period of time. This allowed the development of rumen microbes population that was capable of utilizing the new diet.

101cow21.gif (4829 bytes)The digestive tract of ruminants contain four successive stomachs, the first two of which are essentially culture containers for the growth of a variety of microbes, including bacteria, fungi and protozoa. The cow acts mainly as a mechanical grinding machine that collects the grass and chews it up into small fragments that provide a large surface area which is more easily digested by the rumen microbes. As the grass is chewed it is mixed with salvia that buffers (maintains) the pH at an #optimal levels. The rumen microbes secrete enzymes that breakdown the cellulose and other complex polysaccharides into small sugar units that are subsequently fermented by the microbes. Because the environment in the digestive tract is anaerobic the sugars are fermented to acetic, propionic and butyric acids and to carbon dioxide and methane. The fatty acids are absorbed by the cow as nutrients and the gases are released by frequent belching and anal venting.

The microbes and the undigested food is passed into the lower two stomachs which produce #proteases. These enzyme digest the microbes, releasing their amino acids which are, in turn, absorbed by the cow as a source of nitrogenous nutrient. Other nutrients, such as vitamins and fats are also obtained from the digested microbes. Since the 60 to 80 liters of gas (CO2 and CH4) that are released per day per adult cow are both "greenhouse" gasses, cattle, and other commercial ruminants, are considered by some to make a major contribution to global warming.

One could ask a chicken/egg type question here which is: Were cattle primarily designed to provide a suitable environment for a group of microbes or is it the other way around? What do you think?


Our technologically challenged ancestors were not stupid and being as many of them depended on raising crops for their livelihood, they paid a lot of attention to their environment. Early farmers noticed that if a single crop was raised year after year on the same plot of land, the fertility of that land gradually declined until it was not possible to obtain a suitable yield. From early times, and continuing throughout the world today in many parts of Africa, South America, and Indonesia, humans have used the SLASH AND BURN technique for dealing with that inevitable loss of fertility. As early as Roman times agriculturalists recognized that certain plants could restore the soil's fertility if they were grown on the exhausted land for a season or two. This lead to the use of crop rotation.

People who studied these restorative plants noticed that they contained small tumor-like growths, called #NODULES, on their roots. A close examination of these structures showed that they had a pink color. Eventually, science developed to the point where chemical analysis showed that one of the chemicals that was absent or in low quantities in unproductive soils was nitrogen. Further, it was then discovered that following the rotation with a restorative plant, now called LEGUMINOUS PLANTS, the level of nitrogen was increased significantly. From these and other studies it was determined that one of the common nutrients often limiting maximal crop yield was nitrogen and that the leguminous plants put nitrogen into the soil. How the latter was done required the development of the science of microbiology.

The wide spread usage of crop rotation of legumes like alfalfa in the 1700 and 1800s contributed to a population explosion in Western Europe at a time when workers were needed for the developing Industrial Revolution. Naturally, the importance of crop rotation in the general economy attracted scientific investigation in the hopes of making it even more efficient. Studies showed that legumes converted nitrogen gas to organic nitrogen in a process that came to be called NITROGEN FIXATION. Further, if legumes lacked the nodules, they did not fix nitrogen. Microscopic examination of the nodules showed them to be filled with small bodies of the size associated with bacteria. Subsequently, using the technique pioneered by #R. Koch, bacteria were isolated from these nodules. It was also found that leguminous plants grown from seeds treated to kill any associated bacteria neither fixed nitrogen or produced nodules when cultivated in sterile soil. However, when the bacteria, the Rhizobia, isolated from the nodules were inoculated onto the non-nitrogen-fixing plants, they developed nodules and began fixing nitrogen in the usual fashion.

Subsequently microbiologists have found that other bacteria are able to fix nitrogen, some by themselves and others in symbiotic relationships with specific nonlegumenous plants. However, the legumes/Rhizobia relationship remains the most important commercially nitrogen-fixing symbiosis. The relationship is very complex and far from being completely understood. For example, the Rhizobia show significant specificity regarding the species of legume with which they will form a symbiotic relationship. Thus, while it is now routine that the seeds of commercial leguminous plants are coated with Rhizobia, the strain of Rhizobia used must match the particular legume or the system will not work.

101nodules21.gif (6805 bytes)The life cycle of the Rhizobia has been intensely studied. It is now known that a particular strain of Rhizobium in the soil is attracted to its particular host. Since the Rhizobia are motile they actually swim to their host. Once they reach the host's root system they attach to a single root hair and releases substances that stimulate the hair to allow the Rhizobium to penetrate it. The Rhizobium proceeds to invade certain cells in the root where they produce chemicals that stimulate the growth of these cells to produce the tumor-like nodule. Inside the nodule the Rhizobia change their form to cells called BACTEROIDS. The bacteroids convert N2 to ammonia using the energy they obtain by metabolizing nutrients provided them by the plant host. The fixed nitrogen is subsequently made available to the host plant. When the host plants die their nitrogen is returned to the soil for use by other organisms. In many cases today the farmers plow the entire legume into the soil to insure that as much as possible of the fixed nitrogen is available to subsequent crops.

Crop rotation is illustrated in the Palouse here by the use of pea plants (a type of legume) used by the wheat farmers to revitalize fields depleted of nitrogen by the intense cultivation of wheat.

In many ways mutualistic symbiotic relationships are like employee/employer relationships. Both of the participants contribute something that the other requires to survive. Without workers a business can't produce goods, but without employment workers can not purchase the necessities of life.

Copyright © Dr. R. E. Hurlbert, 1998.
This material may be used for educational purposes only and may not be duplicated for commercial purposes.
E-MAIL: hurlbert@wsu.edu or hurlbert@pullman.com